Flügger A/S offers CEO Jimmi Mortensen multi-annual share option scheme

Flügger CEO Jimmi Mortensen is being awarded 2,723 share options, which can be exercised on condition that the group has achieved specific revenue and earnings targets by the end of FY 2020/21.

The Board of Directors and the Flügger Group’s majority shareholder Ulf Schnack have decided to award CEO Jimmi Mortensen a total of 2,723 share options which can be exercised provided that the group has achieved specific revenue and earnings targets by the end of FY 2020/21. The share options can be exercised following publication of the Board of Directors-approved annual report for FY 2020/21.

Carl Trock, Chairman of Flügger A/S, says:
– The incentive programme is being offered by the Board of Directors and Flügger A/S’s majority shareholder in recognition of Jimmi Mortensen’s considerable commitment to the group, and reflects the fact that we believe that, with him at the helm, we will able to grow revenue, improve earnings and increase the share price. For several years, Flügger has worked hard to strengthen the basic business processes, and is today stronger in terms of launching the measures which are necessary to improve efficiency and support future growth.

Flügger has been acquiring treasury shares for a number of years, among other things with the aim of being able to use and offer shares from its own holdings for share option schemes. Flügger currently owns more than 4% of the share capital in the form of treasury shares.
The Board of Directors’ long-term plan is to expand the share option scheme to additional employees in the group.