Share Capital and Ownership

The Flügger share capital is divided into A and B shares. A shares give ten votes per share of DKK 20, while B shares give one vote per share of DKK 20.

Only the Flügger B shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S under the ID code DK0010218189 with the short name of FLUG B. Danske Bank is market maker for the shares.

At the end of the 2023/24 financial year, 1,867 shareholders listed by name were registered in Flügger shareholder register and accounted for 97.5% of the share capital and 99.1% of the votes in total. Flügger holdings of treasury shares accounted for 0.1% of the share capital, but have been written down to DKK 0 and are voteless according to the Danish Companies Act (Selskabsloven).

Ownership per 30.04.2024 - Flügger group A/S

Total number of shares Shares % Votes %
A shares 590,625 19.7% 5,906,250 71.0%
B shares 2,405,907 80.2% 2,405,907 28.9%
B shares in the company1 3,468 0.1% 3,468 0.04%
Total 3,000,000 100.0% 8,315,625 100.0%


> 5 % Shareholders Shares % Votes %
Susan Schnack 150,069 5.0% 150,069 1.8%
Bettina Antitsch Mortensen2 851,487 28.4% 851,487 10.2%
Ulf and Sune Schnack3 1,354,101 45.1% 6,669,726 80.2%
Total 2,355,657 78.5% 7,671,282 92.2%


1 Voting rights cannot be exercised for the company's holding of treasury shares.

2 M+ II A/S owns 851,487 B-shares in Flügger group A/S. Bettina Antitsch Mortensen has a controlling influence in i M+ II A/S.

3 Ulf and Sune Schnack (father and son) together own a total of 1,354,101 Flügger shares, of which 590,625 A shares and 720,610 B shares are placed with SUS 2013 ApS (Flügger Holding).